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Writer's picturebencanady7

The Outdoor Classroom... Bring yr puffy coat, kids!

Dear MTN School family,

A little celebration and some great pictures before scheduling and ski week thoughts:

During a school week we were not sure we would share, we covered a lot of Sunny ground, caught some beauty Trout, built forts, drew pictures and captioned them, visited Sopris park for the Sun and merry go-round... It's really encouraging for me to look back at the pictures and appreciate the time we are spending together when we could just as easily be at home on computer screens. The difference for these kids, in my opinion, is huge.

There is always structure, planning and oversight, but we also see these students need to run and play hard after a rigorous school day. We looked through my spotting scope and talked for 5 minutes about how a refractor works, but then it was off to the races.

This week I'm looking forward to more time with Ms. Ragle, Mr. Abeyta, and Ms. Goldsmith. These talented, hard-working Teachers are becoming more and more regular after school, and we are going to test a day or two with two of them covering the program while I focus on building up the ski week and working on some new initiatives for TRCS. I will be available and close by, but I trust these Teachers to manage the group with care after weeks of working and setting standards and procedures together.

If we've talked about the December 21-24 Ski Week (Monday through Thursday from 8-5PM with pickup and dropoff at TRCS, please sign your kids up on the website. The trend is towards accepting younger skiers than I first thought. That is the need that I'm hearing from families, and it will fit with the conditions and the Tercero lift which will be our primary run. Please call me this week to talk, or email with questions.

I'm also going to use Winter Break to begin some planning for MTN School Summer 2021.



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